Author's Guidelines


- Preferred Paper Format is IEEE Paper Format (Download by Google: “IEEE Paper Format”).
- The first page of the draft paper should include:
    1. Title of the paper;
    2. Name, affiliation and e-mail address for each author;
    3. Maximum of 05 keywords of the paper.
- Maximum 03 Students are allowed in one Group.
- Also include a very brief resume of all the authors.

Paper Submission:

Authors are invited to submit their Full Paper by February 06, 2014 to [email protected] and CC to [email protected], [email protected]
- The submitted file can be in MS Word format or PDF format.
- The title of seminar <29th IEEEP Seminar> should be stated in the email subject.
- Registration fee Rs.500/- per author.


- A two page extended abstract be submitted that should describe the research problem, proposed solution and preliminary results. (Download by Google: “IEEE Paper Format”).
- Maximum 03 Students are allowed in one Group.
- After notification of acceptance, a poster of 4 ft horizontally and 3 ft vertically will be required to be submitted.

Poster Abstract Submission:

- Authors are invited to submit their abstract in by February 06, 2014 to [email protected], [email protected] & CC to [email protected]
- The submitted file can be in MS Word format or PDF format.
- The title of seminar <29th IEEEP Seminar Poster Submission> should be stated in the email subject.
- Registration fee Rs.200/- per author.